Anest2020 Poster Format

Poster Format

The author should follow the poster format. The poster size should be 200 cm x 80 cm. In case the author needs more space for some sections he/she can change the font size of the other sections with keeping the required theme (poster style and organise).
At the bottom of the poster, the author should include the corresponding author Email, Mobile Number, and Work address (font size is 14px and style is Arial).

Poster Title
  • The title font size should be 22px.
  • The title font style should be Arial Font.
Author(s) Name(s)
  • The font size of the author name and address should be 16 px. While the font style should be Time New Roman.

  • The Abstract font size should be 18 px and the font style should be Arial.


Research Summary
  • The summary should be no more than 100 words.

  • The font size should be 20px and font style should be Time New Roman.

  • The summary should explain the research importance and utilised techniques. Moreover, the problem that has been solved in your research.

  • The author should include a section to show research feasibility and where it can be utilised.

  • The font size of the section should be 20px and font type Arial.
Research Aims
  • The research aims should be bulleted or numbered list.

  • The font size should be 20px and font type Arial.
Methodology and Figures
  • The font size should be 18px and font type Arial.