The author should follow the abstract format. The abstract paper size should be A4.
Abstract Title
The abstract title font size is 15px Time New Roman. The spacing between the title and the author(s) name is 12pt.
Author Name
The font size of the author’s name is 12px, and the font is Arial. The authors’ names should be separated by “;” and before the last author name should puton “and.”
Author Address
The author address font size should be 12px Italic with Arial font. The author’s address should include the full Department name, College name, University name, City-Country. If the author has no university address, he/she should include the full work address. The spacing between the authors’ addresses is 3pt.
Corresponding Author Email
The corresponding author email should be bold 12px Time New Roman font, and the spacing between it and abstract is 12pt.
Abstract content
The Abstract content font is Time New Roman and 14px font size with line spacing 1.3 pt. It should be justified, and no more than 250 words.
The Keywords font size is 12px with Italic Time New Roman with spacing 12pt from abstract contains. The keywords are separated by “;”.